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We will contact you shortly
Thank you for considering us for your new project! We're excited to assist you and will be sending over the information you need shortly. In the meantime, if you're looking for immediate support or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us or schedule a call. This page is your go-to resource for everything you need—from easily booking a meeting to starting your loan application. You’ll also find a detailed list of required items to streamline the process. We're here to guide you every step of the way, so please feel free to reach out if you need anything!don't hesitate to contact us or schedule a call if you're looking for immediate support or have any questions
Feel Free To Call Us With Any Questions
Loan Application
1. Loan Application
To proceed with your loan application, please download the application form provided below, complete it thoroughly, and then upload the finished form back to us. Ensure that all required information is filled out accurately before submitting. If you need any help during this process or have questions, feel free to contact our support team.
2. Submit Online Loan Application
Items Needed
Term Loans ( DSCR & Portfolio)
Borrower related documents:● Credit and BG reports● Track record (to verify Experience)● Three consecutive months of Bank or Brokerage account statements● Copy of Drivers License.
Entity documents: ● Formation Documents, ● Operating Agreement, ● EIN letter● Certificate of Good Standing (if the entity is older than a year)
Subject property related documents (in case of PURCHASE):● Purchase Agreement with Full Addendums● CDA or ARR and Appraisal● Existing Lease Agreements and Addendums - if applicable ● Proof of receipt of Security deposit - new leases only (within last 120 days)● RE Tax statement/certificate ● Insurance Evidence, premium statement/receipt, and contact info of agent
Subject Property related documents (in case of REFINANCE):● Previous Closing Statement/HUD● Current Mortgage Statement or Payoff letter● Existing Lease Agreements and Addendums –● CDA or ARR and Appraisal● 3 mo. of rental paymentsProperty-relatedproperty-related to the related property● Proof of receipt of Security deposit - new leases only (within last 120 days) - if applicable ● RE Tax statement/certificate ● Insurance Evidence, premium statement/receipt, and contact info of agent
Bridge Loan (Fix & Flip and Ground Up)
Borrower related documents:● Credit and BG reports● Track record (to verify Experience)● Copy of Drivers License.
Entity documents: ● Formation Documents, ● Operating Agreement, ● EIN letter● Certificate of Good Standing (if the entity is older than a year)
Fix and Flip● Purchase Agreement● HUD (if exit is refi)● Payoff letter (in case of existing debt on property)● DIGI Scope of Work ( completed after loan submission)● Architect letter, if expansion – Template Found in the doc library
Ground up● Purchase Agreement● HUD (if exit is refi)● Payoff letter (in case of existing debt on property)● Plans and Permits (In absence of permits, we need architect's the letter)● DIGI Scope of Workthe the architect's the the